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How to follow a portal




  • To access the portal audit trail, in the access group of your user (CM011), it is necessary to have the respective permissions configured.
  • Moreover, the portal must be configured to be shared with you or all users.



The goal of portals is to transform large amounts of data into graphic panels. They can be considered analytical help instruments to communicate the results, supporting decision-making and business management.

It is important to follow portals that are useful to you so that they are listed in the Portals menu in the general menu bar of the system:

Thus, it is easier to track them and access them.


Following a portal

1. After opening the Portals menu, click on See all.

2. At this point, the list of portals to which you have access will be displayed.

3. Choose the portal you wish to track and click on Follow.



You are now following the portal, and it will be displayed in the Portals menu on the general menu bar of the system!

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